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7 Reasons why your Menstrual Flow is heavier than usual!

7 Reasons why your Menstrual Flow is heavier than usual!

7 Reasons why your Menstrual Flow is heavier than usual!

One of the biggest trials that nature has set for all women is the menstrual cycle. Whether it’s the abdominal pain, the weakness, or overflowing blood, no one ever has happy periods. This being a very important part of our biological cycle can have many underlying causes when anything goes out of normal. With different biology, we come across different kinds of menstrual cycle related patterns and problems. While some have a lighter blood flow, other might have very heavy flow. However, you know things aren’t right when there is a change in this pattern. Every one of us knows what their normal cycle is like if the flow increases suddenly then that is something to be paid attention to. It’s possible that the cause may not be alarming, yet if you can’t seem to point out what went wrong it’s best to consider all possibilities. Here’s a blog with some reasons why your menstrual flow has become heavier than usual.





Menopause is when the ovaries stop producing reproductive hormones, which leads to a permanent stop on Menstruation. Usually, this process starts after the 40s, however, it isn’t entirely impossible to reach an early menopause in your 30s. The perimenopause phase, which is the 4-10 months long period prior to the menopause is often characterized by a heavy menstrual flow. There is no way to know when the perimenopause is going to set in, however, it is characterized by changes in the menstrual cycle. If you see other changes in your cycle as well then, the most probable reason for that is the approaching menopause. However, if your problem has exceeded 4 months and heavy flow is the only problem you have faced, then read on for other reasons that could be behind this problem.



Change in Birth Control

7 Reasons why your Menstrual Flow is heavier than usual!

Birth control pills often regulate the hormones concerned with menstruation which leads to light periods. However, if you change these hormonal control methods for non-hormonal methods then that can bring the menstrual flow to its regular or more natural form, which will be heavier than what you were used to during the time you were on hormonal pills. Non-hormonal IUDs (Intrauterine devices) like Mirenaare known to cause heavier flow in women, thus, it isn’t something to be worried about for this is a commonly seen side effect of this birth control method. You can handle the increased flow with ibuprofen and iron supplements to prevent anemia. It becomes a cause of concern if the flow gets super heavy and lasts for longer than 3-4 months. This is when you need to see your gynecologist.





Anticoagulants are chemicals that help reducing blood clots. These blood clots which can cause heart diseases, like strokes and heart attacks, are thinned out with the help of these chemicals. The thinning of blood leads to a smoother flow of blood through the body reducing the risk posed by potentially dangerous clots. However, this also means that there is a freer flow of blood below the belt. As long as you keep taking anticoagulants this flow will be heavier than what you are used to. This problem isn’t without solution either, thus, you can get in touch with your doctor to help you out with this problem.



Uterine Fibroids


Benign tumors in the uterus of women develop during their childbearing years which are called Uterine Fibroids. However, fear not for these are not cancerous and are very common among women. In fact, 70 percent women have at least one uterine fibroid in their womb by the time they reach their 50s. This still doesn’t mean that they can be left untreated for heavy bleeding isn’t the only problem caused during the menstrual cycle by these fibroids. Abdominal pain and constipation are other side effects of developing a uterine fibroid. If a heavy menstrual flow is accompanied by blood clots or bleeding in between periods, then you need to get checked for fibroids in the uterus. The solution doesn’t necessarily have to be complicated as it can sometimes be resolved by going on birth control, getting an IUD or some other form of non-contraceptive medicine.





The uterus is made up of three layers of membranes: endometrium (innermost), myometrium (middle layer), and perimetrium (outer layer). Adenomyosis is the disorder of the innermost layer (endometrium) which breaks through the middle layer (myometrium), which is why it is also known as Endometriosis. This condition is common among middle-aged who have given birth to many kids, and associated symptoms include menstrual cramps, lower abdominal pressure, and bloating before periods, along with the heavy menstrual flow. This pain and discomfort are caused by the enlargement of uterus and hardening of the wall, which makes this benign problem, something to be taken up with your doctor. The treatment includes anti-inflammatory medicines and hormone therapy, however, it won’t go away till menopause or via a hysterectomy (or the removal of the uterus) for a permanent solution in severe cases.



See Also

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

7 Reasons why your Menstrual Flow is heavier than usual!

As the name clearly suggests, polycystic ovary syndrome is the presence many small cysts all over the ovaries leading to an imbalance of hormones. While the problem of PCOS goes beyond just heavy bleeding, this particular symptom is due to the inhibition of proper functioning of the ovaries. The hormonal imbalance due to the cysts causes thickening of the lining of the uterus which leads to heavy bleeding at the end of the menstrual cycle, that is, during the periods. Physical symptoms, other than heavy bleeding, like extra body hair and high blood pressure, and a combination of tests can help diagnose Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Regular exercise, weight control, and proper diet can help treat PCOS.



Sexually Transmitted Disease


AIDS is not the only sexually transmitted disease on this planet which makes it necessary to ensure that one always takes protection into consideration.Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is concerned with infection of the reproductive system of the females, which includes the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and cervix. While you might not get affected by a life-threatening disease, like HIV, it is possible that other diseases, such as Gonorrhoea, chlamydia, or some other such infection affect you because of unprotected sex. These infections can contribute towards problems relating to menstruation, chief among them being heavy menstrual flow. Precaution is better than cure, thus, the first advice is to ensure that you always have protected sex. If, however, you have contracted a sexually transmitted disease then get in touch with your doctor as soon as possible. Most such infections have treatments available that can help with the excessive flow problem.


Menstruation is a very significant part of a woman’s biology. Problems related to menstruation can become troublesome if left unchecked. It is very important to follow proper menstrual hygiene and routines in order to keep your reproductive system healthy. Excessive flow is not always caused by a very serious problem thus, it’s not something to panic about. If you feel that any of the above reasons could be why you are experiencing heavy flow during periods then get in touch with your gynecologist, for even it is a minor issue, avoiding it might only turn into something of major consequences.




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