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Breast Cancer- How to deal with it?

Breast Cancer- How to deal with it?


Each organ of our body is composed of millions of cells. Degeneration of a cell’s DNA causes growth of massive tissues forming deadly tumours. These tumours may lead to cancers. Breast Cancer if lately diagnosed, can spread to other cells and cause irreversible damage and even death. According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, “one in every eight woman will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their life time.” Breast Cancer can be of several types and may occur in women of different age groups. Hence, the treatment varies from person to person. It mostly occurs in women among between the age group of 50- 69.

What to check?

Check your breasts, armpits and ever the collar bone. If you feel or assess anything unusual, visit a doctor. Try not to ignore any signs of change like a sudden change in the normal size of the breast, swelling, thickening or dimpling of the skin, lumps, redness, shape of the nipple or any discharge from either or both. Not all lumps in the breast prove that you might have cancer. Nonetheless, any such mass formation must be examined by a doctor.

Early detection with the help of Breast Screening or Mammography along with increased awareness and knowledge can help women fight with it better.

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Busting Myths:

  • Breast cancer is rarely inherited. Most happen by chance.
  • Men are equally susceptible to Breast Cancer.
  • The size of the breast is not a determinant factor of Breast Cancer.

What to do once diagnosed with Breast Cancer?

  • Remember you are not alone in battling it. There are thousands who are diagnosed every year. Cancer comes as a shock to everyone.
  • Join groups and NGOs helping women fight breast cancer. An association of similarly affected people will prevent the feeling of isolation from creeping in. Sharing stories will help you feel connected. Unawareness will abandon you from reaping the benefits of advanced medical technology to combat the disease.
  • At this point of time, you need the support of your near and dear ones. Your family is your support system. Do not isolate yourself under frustration. Your family needs to educate themselves in order to encourage through the journey.
  • Chemo Therapy will be your partner unless you steer clear out of danger. Embrace it as a friend.
  • Nonetheless, be positive. Pray if you believe in a positive universal energy. Be strong and gather courage. Half the battle will be won.
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