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Decoding engagement and marriage gaps!

Decoding engagement and marriage gaps!

Decoding engagement and marriage gaps!

Decoding engagement and marriage gaps!

Marriages are bound to get couples devoted towards each other as it is known. Researchers say that there are sacred reasons involved behind the commitment that follows up after exchanging the rings and being officially ‘engaged’. Just as normally a relationship’s thickness is calculated by the amount of time invested in it, today we decode what the gap between your engagement and marriage say about the relationship between you and your to-be husband.



Marrying with a month or less gap after the engagement is considered to be impulsive as researchers say that it is done without being far-sighted. You should give it proper time to weave its beads in the most perfect manner in both your lives. The one month gap has more disadvantages than advantages especially if yours is an arranged marriage. Just because your kundlis (astrological stars) have matched doesn’t mean you have to quit thinking about all other of a married life. Hence, the perfect advice would be to take more time.



If you guys are going in for the three months’ time period then it’s probably because you do not wish to have a big fat Indian wedding. Or on the other hand it means that you both are exceptional planners and have all your guards in place. Although if your relationship caters to the former matter then we must say that you have taken a decision that is heavily rewarding as now basic weddings help you save a lot of money which you can use to fulfill your dreams of a splendid honeymoon.



Decoding engagement and marriage gaps!

Couples who take six months gap are the ones who want everything to be set in the most appropriate way. They are the ones who are well planned and know exactly what they are expecting out of their wedding. This gap is well sorted as it gives the couple the perfect time span to get to know each other well. If these couples are tagged with ‘Mr. & Mrs. Flawlessness’ titles, it would be a seamless fit.



In India, the success of your marriage depends heavily upon the kind of participation you get from the extended family members. Therefore, one year gap is a perfect time period to not only get to know your partner better but also his family. One of the biggest perks of getting married in a year’s gap is that you will be over with your honeymoon period of a relationship and hence, open to the reality of your relationship. This gap will also supply you enough time to do an upbringing check on your partner.



Decoding engagement and marriage gaps!

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If you are thinking that this shows how engrossed you are as a couple then you have gone wrong there. Unlike usual relationships where the length is the motivator, if your relationship with your partner has to survive for two years and more for marriage then it just means that you guys are not prepared for it. It also means that a partner is dual minded. The reason could be any such as career, psychological preparedness or financial security.


Instagram Account: ashish.langade


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