Love, Sex and Relationship Forum


Womennow Forum


Welcome to Love, Sex and Relationship Forum

The Love Forum of aims to strengthen our community. We want a place where every women can speak anonymously about Love, Sex and Relationships. We believe that every woman is entitled to self-determination in every aspect of their lives. We are constantly working for a discrimination-free world through informed actions and support the right of every woman to make decisions and live freely irrespective of her race, sexuality or identity.

Therefore, we created a place to ask questions, discuss problems, and receive help from others. We invite you to ask your questions and help others to solve real problems in daily lives. Often we feel alone with our problems and issues but we are not! Together we are stronger and change the world and lives of all of us.

If you want you can stay totally anonymous – we do not ask for your real name and never reveal your identity.

Let’s thrive to help each other to achieve the goal that women are treated as equals at home, in public, in public spheres and at work.

Stand up and talk about Love, Sex & Relationship in this Love Sex and Relationship forum. 

Tell us what you experience in your daily lives. Are you mistreated, punished or insecure how to deal with a certain situation? The whole community is here support you. Receive good vibrations and kindness from women who are there to help you. Love Sex and Relationship Forum is always there for you!