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Take care of your bras to use them longer

Take care of your bras to use them longer

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You will grow up to find out that your friends or the guy you count on will let you down when you need support, but throughout these years, you will be in a consistent and unparalleled relationship with your bra that will help you be well turned-out and look striking and desirable.

An average woman owns nine bras and wears six amongst them on regular basis. So, when bras are the most integral element in a girl’s life, a girl must know how to make the best use of them and how to make sure they last longer. Here are expert tips that will increase lifespan of your bras: You need to Take care of your bras to use them longer

Hand wash your bras:

This is the advice that every expert agrees to and considers crucial to increase longevity of your bras. Hand washing your bras will help you not repent buying most expensive bras as this will prolong their lives. Also, make sure that you use cool water. Most of all, underwire or sturdy bras require it essentially to be hand washed.


Do not wear the same bra for more than a day. This provides bra’s elasticity time to get back to its original shape that will extend your bras life. Simply go ahead and change your bra every day. This will make you feel beautiful as well as your bras will also stay in shape for longer. So, avoid wearing the same bra two days in a row. Make sure you take off your bra at night so it gets ample time to recover its shape and elasticity.

Use Special lingerie detergent:

Make sure that you use special lingerie detergent for washing your bras. Sometimes, you can simply soak them in water and minute quantities of lingerie detergent. Expensive bras with delicate lace need utmost care when it comes to washing. After all, what is the point of wearing a beautiful bra when it has lost its elasticity?

Fasten the hooks before machine washing:

If you need to wash your bras in machine, then fasten the hooks before. Also, protect them from snagging on other clothing by using a mesh bag. This will save you from the infuriating moment when you take your bra out of a washing machine and find that its straps are entangled. This will save your bras from being deformed.

Store them properly:

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You need to set aside an entire drawer to place your bras gently. Do not just shove them anywhere without even folding. Make sure that there is enough space in your drawer and your bras can reside in them without getting their underwires bent. Furthermore, do not commit the sin of inverting bra cups into one another.

Read the label:

Always read the label as the manufacturers put it on for a reason. Make sure you follow the instructions accordingly so that you ensure your bra stays in shape and provides maximum comfort and support for years long. Every fabric requires it to be washed in a particular temperature and in specific way. So, make sure you are considerate enough to do so.



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