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5 Reasons why being “just friends” is good for you!

5 Reasons why being “just friends” is good for you!

5 Reasons why being "just friends" is good for you!

5 Reasons why being "just friends" is good for you!


Have you been constantly dating or had a number of relationships in the past? You are surely aware of the fact that at time some people are just better off being friends avoiding any serious relationships. You may just click like that icing on the cake, but if the cake isn’t good enough all the surface level bonding fails. Certain habits or hobbies may seem all too common for you to decide on the fate of your friendship but wait. It’s just too soon to draw conclusions. You may not work great as couples only with commonalities based on trivial interests. A relationship needs much strong a foundation to sustain forever.


Here are reasons why you should just let that relationship go away for good and focus on being just friends rather than continuing your friendship or starting a new relationship in haste.


  • You lack sexual attraction towards him

5 Reasons why being "just friends" is good for you!


With this I do not aim to establish the fact that sex is the foundation for a healthy relationship or even that sex isn’t important at all. How often you have sex with each other doesn’t prove your commitment towards him or vice versa. What’s important is the quality of the moment that you share. Is it fantastic? Like, just memorable for weeks even if you happen to stay away from each other? If not, you lack that chemistry. This relationship with him, will not work or is not working at all. You can have all the sex in the world but if you don’t enjoy all the feels he gives you, you are better off being just friends.


  • You aren’t helping each other grow

He might be the handsomest man on earth or maybe not, but if you don’t grow in the relationship with him, not just career wise but also as a person, doomsday is very near for you. He is just not right for you in the sense that he might have different plans for his future which do not meet your path of life. If you can compromise on your wishes and dreams to have him grow in life and still never complain, you can keep him but I hardly doubt if you can stay without sulking at some point of your life. If you can’t just stay friends. A lot of difficulties will come your way in a long distance relationship if his career choices force him to dislocate.


  • You hate spending time alone

5 Reasons why being "just friends" is good for you!

Have you been constantly seeking the company of your mutual friends even when he plans out something for just the two of you? If you only feel like/enjoy hanging out with him only when friends join, question yourself if you really think a relationship with him will work for long. Yes, you might love being with your friends but if that has reached a point where you honestly avoid even the thought of spending time with him alone, you are better off being just friends. [Read: Can a man and a woman be “just friends”?]


  • You get attracted to others quite easily

5 Reasons why being "just friends" is good for you!

Instagram Account: jimmycruze

Ok, so this doesn’t mean if you look at other men you can’t have a relationship with this present guy. But if you drool over men who walk past you or are obsessed about other men more than the guy you are with, if you dream about having a life with someone other than him; you clearly lack interest and are better of being just friends.

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  • You feel suffocated in his presence

Rather than you wanting to be in touch with him or being around him all the time, you wish to run away or are still waiting for a miracle to do all the job for you. There is no such thing. Trust me. You need to give up if you just don’t see a future together for much greater reasons best known to you. Just walk out instead of waiting for a time when you hate even the thought of just thinking about him. You will save a lot of effort and time by making things easier for yourself. [Read: 8 Reasons why every woman must man up]


You aren’t doing anyone a favour by being in a relationship or fearing the thought of saving him a heartbreak. Just like Adele says, You can’t make your heart feel something that it won’t…Listen to your heart. Do what it tells you.



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