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5 Simple ways to honour your parents

5 Simple ways to honour your parents

5 Simple ways to honour your parents

Our parents are the ones who’ve always stood alongside us in times of need and it is our duty to honour them to the fullest of our capacity, acknowledging whatever they have been doing for us since our very birth, so our children can learn from us and return the respect in the future.

5 Simple ways to honour your parents

Instagram Account: kickfairy



As our parents grow older and we get busier with our lives, there is a growth of an invisible gap between their expectations and our abilities to meet with them so that we are unable to show them our love. Sparing an hour each day for your parents if you’re living in the same house should be something as regular as sparing time to eat your meal. If you don’t live in the same house, you could call them on the phone and talk for a few minutes every day. Make plans on alternative weekends to visit them for an hour; you could also take them out for a movie or lunch.



Honour your parents by letting them feel that you value their suggestions and advice regarding matters of consequence in your life, for instance how you could tackle a particular situation at your place of work. It will not only show them respect but will help you in keeping away from thorny matters by avoiding making the same mistakes that they made in their younger years.



Be grateful to them for who they are and for whatever they have done for you. Show them honour for no matter how poor, rich, popular, unpopular, they might be they were the ones who brought you up with just as much love and care as any parent would irrespective of their character, financial situation, etc.



5 Simple ways to honour your parents

Instagram Account: sonalid3

Parents teach us how to stand on our feet and walk. They carry us in their arms to exonerate us from the pain of walking in our little feet. They make a number of sacrifices only to be able to give us the best ever possible and we simply turn a blind eye to what all we receive without ever having to ask. Taking care of them in their times of need when they become feeble and weak is a way of acknowledging their sacrifices and love for us.



There may be times when you might not agree to whatever your parents say, and even though they think they know it all, they may not be aware of the recent changes that have come about with regards to all sorts of things including fashion. So they could show disapproval with your style of dressing and those are the times when you’d do better by not lashing back at them but telling them very gently that things have changed and one has to keep up with the changes.



They are your parents after all. Holding grudges can steal both yours and your parents’ mental peace. It is always a good idea to make amends and maintain a healthy and loving relationship with your parents. Do not make them suffer emotional distance or discord while they crave to make things right. Honour them for all the things they’ve done right.


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5 Simple ways to honour your parents

Instagram Account: kreshabajaj

Spoil your parents just as you would spoil your kids. Reminisce about the days when you would ask them for toys, dresses, candies, and other things and they would come back home to surprise you with one of those toys you had caught sight of on your way to school? Let them have what they want and even if they were unable to give you all that you’ve ever wanted still give them as much as you can. Most importantly let them have the pleasure of your company. It means the world to them.

Honour your parents by loving them with all their flaws and trying your level best to fetch them all the happiness you can, because you too will grow old someday and would want to be as loved and honoured by your children.



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