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7 ways to avoid attracting the wrong person in your life

7 ways to avoid attracting the wrong person in your life


Okay, so you are constantly ending up with the “wrong” person every single time. Things seem pretty nice at the start, however, the spark wanes out with time. You end up blaming yourself for the wrong choices that you made which make you feel miserable. There is no perfect way to have a relationship. Love is pretty mysterious. But there are certain basic guidelines people need to pay heed to. If not wholly, you certainly need to make certain changes in your attitude in order to attract positive people in your life.

  • Be Confident

Believe in yourself. We repeatedly attract negative people in life when we stop losing confidence in ourselves. Knowing our self- worth is important. You cannot expect others to love and respect you if you don’t do that to yourself. If you allow others to treat to like crap, they will. Only when you start loving and appreciating yourself, you will quite naturally want to attract positive people and eliminate all that drains your energy.

  • Pay attention to your appearance

7 ways to avoid attracting the wrong person in your life

Instagram Account: nikimehra

I really believe looks aren’t everything. But you cannot ignore the fact that most human beings are shallow creatures. And to be fair enough to them, everyone wants an attractive partner. If you think you are too subtle or toned down, you can try experimenting with a little bolder stuff. In case, you love a little exposure, you might want to look a little more classier in a dress maybe! Whatever it is, dress for the occasion. Dress for the people you are going to meet.

  • Stop being an open book

If parroting your woes and past experiences have been your style, I guess you need to change that. A little mystery is nice. Let him explore all that you are with time. Let him earn that. Maybe this is what is acting against you. Also, not all men would love to be all over your account on the social media. If heartbreaks become your status updates, you become an agony aunt, which some might absolutely want to avoid.

  • Be Classy

Putting up half naked pictures on the social media might surely win you millions of likes and friend requests. But trust me, you might just end up with Douchebags, ladies! See, it is very easy for someone to like or get attracted to a sexy, ravishing picture. But that’s just the body they might get attracted to. It’s your right to put up any photograph you want, but don’t you think you might just want to save up something for the one who actually treats you correctly?

  • Weigh other options

Ok, you might immediately get attracted to good looking , hot men who have the charm to sweep you off your feet. Consider the fact that a good appearance is no guarantee of a good heart. Speaking from experience, good looking people are aware of their unlimited options. It is quite natural for a lot of people to immediately like them. This might be the reason why they do not pay attention to what they have. They stop making efforts beyond their convenience. So, try giving a chance to other people who you may not have ever considered an option, those, who may not be immediately attractive, speaking from the face value. Those you have been ignoring might actually be the best people who could keep you happy.

  • Make yourself a Priority

7 ways to avoid attracting the wrong person in your life

See Also

Instagram Account: nikimehra

Look, love will come to you when it has to. You need not struggle to find love in every corner you can look for. Pay attention to yourself. Enrich yourself. Consider brushing what your skills. Do things you might have wanted to for a long time, like, join a gym, learn swimming, learn a language. The motive is to keep yourself busy and stop being available for people all the time. That way, they take you for granted. When you do things you like, you will attract your likes and not those who want you to fit into their mould.

  • Set some Bars

You may not get all the qualities in a man that you want. But once you raise the standards or prioritise the qualities that you cannot accept a man without, you immediately know which guys to avoid.


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