Anushree Ghosh

A fun loving person who treasures deep conversations. She aspires to travel round the world and have a taste of the culture, food and music. Writing gives her the freedom to materialize her ideas and allow people to sneak into her mind. She finds it fun and liberating.

358 Articles Published | Follow:
5 Ways to prevent skin sagging
5 Ways to prevent skin sagging
Your skin sags as a result of loss of collagen and facial fat. Collagen is…
7 benefits of milk
7 Beauty benefits of milk
    Wondering how this humble food can be included in your beauty regime? We…
Womennow in conversation with Paromita Bardoloi...
Womennow in conversation with Paromita Bardoloi…
Paromita Bardoloi is a writer and theatre activist. Hailing from the North-east, Paromita has come…
5 Reasons why being "just friends" is good for you!
5 Reasons why being “just friends” is good for you!
  Have you been constantly dating or had a number of relationships in the past?…
7 Ways to take care of your dry nails
7 Ways to take care of your dry nails
Dry nails not only look bad but also reflect underlying bad health conditions. Split nails…
Why do women cheat? 5 Reasons!
Why do women cheat? 5 Reasons!
  Most commonly men are blamed for infidelity. It is believed that relationships suffer when…
Smart ways to beat dehydration
6 Smart ways to beat dehydration
Water loss or dehydration can have devastating effects on your body. You might be dehydrated…
5 Healthy eating habits for longevity!
5 Healthy eating habits for longevity!
  What you eat reflects on your health. If you knew exactly what to eat…
The kind of a friend you are based on your Zodiac
The kind of a friend you are based on your Zodiac
Happy Friendship Day! You may have many friends or might love sticking to a few.…
Pregnancy Myths Busted!
Pregnancy Myths Busted!
  Being pregnant is a blessing. However, it can also be a nerve- wrecking time.…
Is your partner ghosting you?
Is your partner ghosting you?
There is always a definite reason when people ignore you or start ghosting you. You…
5 Things you should never sacrifice for a relationship
5 Things you shouldn’t sacrifice for a relationship
A good relationship is one where people evolve into better human beings. You stay happy…
Revive yourself after having kids
Revive yourself after having kids
A mother’s work is a twenty-four-hour job. It is a very strenuous task. Such demanding…
Arranged marriage vs. Love marriage
Arranged marriage vs. Love marriage: What should you choose?
    They say, marriages are made in heaven. But not everybody shares the same…
5 Life mistakes you should avoid repeating in life
5 Life mistakes you should avoid repeating in life
We have come to the middle of this year. Six more months to go and…