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Greasy hair – what to do to stop it?

Greasy hair – what to do to stop it?

You have washed your hair in the morning and after a few hours it seems to be greasy hair again? Then your sebaceous glands most likely have a dysfunction. This can make you feel bad throughout the whole day despite the utmost hygiene – so you want to do something about it.


There are many reasons for oily hair. In addition to genetic predisposition, especially stress and hormonal changes in puberty or pregnancy play a role through. Even junk food, certain medications or improper care can be the reason for the production of sebum. These strategies can help:


Anti-grease shampoos regulate overactive sebaceous glands

Try to use mild anti-grease shampoos. They contain many wash-active substances (surfactants). Lipid components are not part of it. Some products remove excess sebum and dirt particles. Essential oils do gently take care of the particles, the hair is soaked with it and then must be rinsed. Or herbal extracts such as chamomile, rosemary, horsetail or yarrow can help. The latter helps regulating sebum production and soothes the scalp. When you wash your hair the products should be gently massaged into the scalp, because this is indeed the source of sebum. After a few weeks, the hair should have returned to its normal look, so you can omit the special shampoo. If this is not the case, the next step might to be seeing a dermatologist that can with a medical shampoo, for example, selenium, or tar. But these products should never be applied without consulting a dermatologist.

See Also


Are your sebaceous glands actually active? Anti-grease shampoos only make sense if your sebaceous glands are actually active. Is the hair greasy for other reasons, for example because you constantly run your finger through your hair or because you sweat a lot, a daily wash with mild shampoo is better suited for you as it seems you then have normal hair.

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