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How to deal with changes in a relationship?

How to deal with changes in a relationship?

How to deal with changes in a relationship?

Things have been pretty great since the time you have met. However, you suddenly notice changes in his overall self. No wonder you start bothering. You wonder whether the problem is you or someone else, or worst, if he has lost interest. These thoughts might constantly nag you to the point of a breakdown. Understand this: Men are differently built than us. They cannot keep giving all the time. One fine day, they may just decide to be on their own and want more space. They retreat into their shells. It may have absolutely nothing to do with you. It’s just them. Women are socially engineered to give more than they receive.

Here are a few ways in which you can deal with this:

Understand your needs:

How to deal with changes in a relationship?

See whether a particular change in your partner is something you can adjust to. This can be anything from being unable to give you enough time or constant change of plans from his side. If you can compromise, it’s great. If everything that you people do, confirm to what he wants and his convenience, and you have absolutely no problem with it, go ahead. If things don’t make you happy, speak up. You do not need to give in to things you wouldn’t enjoy. Reflect on whether your relationship is soaring new heights or whether it is nearing its end. You will often find your conscience speaking to you. Listen to what your self reflects. Your instincts can never be wrong.

Take time evaluating the best things in your relationship. 

Sometimes, we forget to appreciate what we have and instead crib about what we don’t. That is a greater waste of time and energy. Focus on the good and all that’s positive. If that weighs heavier than the cons, stick to your relationship. Both of you are from different worlds. Not every damn thing can be how you wish them to be. Positivity is the key to being happy. Nothing comes for free. Work out small changes.

Give each other the space to cope with changes.

How to deal with changes in a relationship?

People have a lot of things to deal with: friends, family and even finance. Not being able to meet expectations can take a toll on people’s state of mind. At times, it is perfectly alright to focus on yourself. You do not owe your whole life to a relationship. It’s just a part of you. If your partner believes he needs time to take care of other things that have been bothering him recently, allow him to. In that case, if you constantly keep nagging, you will only add to his issues. Change is the only constant. You never know, this might make your relationship stronger.


Picture Courtesy: Instagram Account: ashish.langade

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