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The 8 best treatments against pimples

The 8 best treatments against pimples

The best treatments against pimplesDo you have problems with your skin? Do you have big pores or even nasty blemishes? Just try some of these following treatments. The facilities are easy to get or you have them already at home.

1. Wash your face every day, being careful not to overwash. Pores enlarge when they become clogged with dirt, oil, or bacteria, causing them to become inflamed. Washing your face regularly — once in the morning, once at
night .

2. Use a piece of garlic for urgent spots. Just peel one piece of garlic and then rub it gently on the spot. Just within a few hours the begins to disapear.

3. Apply ice cubes to your face. Place the ice cubes gently along your pores for 30 seconds. This will have a tightening effect on your skin.

4. Make a baking soda paste
Baking soda helps minimize the appearance of pores while fighting acne at the same time. If you have very sensitive skin, this paste will help you without irritating it.

  • Mix equal parts baking soda and warm water (2 tablespoons each) into a paste.
  • Using a circular motion, massage paste into pores gently for about 30 seconds.
  • Rinse off using cool water.

5. The magic of lemon

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  • Drench a washcloth in lemon and pineapple juice. Place the washcloth firmly on your face for one minute. Then rinse your skin with warm water. Lemon has the ability to shrink the appearance of pores.
  • Mix tomato juice and lemon juice together and apply to face with a cotton swab regularly. Wash away with cool water after 10 minutes. This mix will reduce blemishes and lighten any facial hairs over time.
  • Mix together 2 tbs honey and 1 tbs lemon juice along with a pinch of tumeric. Wash away with cool water after 10 minutes. If applied regularly, this mixture works well.
  • Rub a lemon peel along with a bit of sugar over your skin. Let sit for 10 minutes before washing away with cool water

6. Eat healthy. Eat a diet rich in lean proteins, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids. Drink plenty of water instead of sugary, caffeine-laden drinks. Avoid excessive milk and dairy, which have hormones that make acne worse. Eat for example lots of oranges.

7. Use sandalwood powder and water to reduce blemishes. Mix together a paste of sandalwood powder and water, applying to face. Leave for 10 to 20 minutes before rinsing off with cool water

8. Rub a papaya or banana peel over your skin. Leave for 15 minutes before washing away with cool water. Your blemishes should get smaller and/or less noticeable. 

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