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5 Things You Don’t Have To Say To Your Partner

5 Things You Don’t Have To Say To Your Partner

’Never yell at each other unless the house is on fire’

So, your partner loves you whole heartedly? He believes in you more than anyone else? He blindly trusts you and wants to be your soul-mate for all the divine lives? So lucky you are. But, how would you return the favor? Have you ever thought about it? Certainly you will do the same for him. Men are more demanding than women but it’s not the thumb rule especially when we talk about marital relationship. So, watch out for your tongue and words you spit out in anger mostly. I am sincerely giving you this relationship advice after seven years of experience in marriage.
There are some phrases that no human would bear hearing from anyone no matter how close they are. Let me tell you precisely the most commonly articulated things one must never say to the life partner.

Stop Crying, Calm Down And Face The Verity

This statement is often made by men for their wives taking everything too seriously. Hey man! Face the reality that women are more expressive than you tough guys. They have all the right to cry and if something is done wrong from your side then you must have to bear the consequences. Now, it will be too rude of me if I say ‘you are an insensitive specie’. I don’t know why God has sent you down even and for what reason-just to tell your partner to hide her feelings. Really?
Instead pouring these words in her ears, it’s better to let her alone for some time. Give her space so that she mourns over the matter and trust me she will eventually accept that bitter reality. Here, I have a relationship advice for women too, please don’t be melodramatic, get done with all the grieving thing as soon as possible and support your partner by understanding what’s in his mind and know what he is up to.

Don’t Be Insensitive Or Don’t Be Over Sentimental

A man must not take his partner as over sentimental. It’s true that women are more sensitive than men. Nothing wrong in it. Take it normal and you would feel more comfort in your life. Similarly, a woman should stop saying that her life partner is as insensitive as her dead pet. It hurts hearing that you consider him emotionless.
This is indeed a no-no statement. Don’t be judgmental so quickly and think about what could be the reason behind emotion. Hold on your horses and skip the criticism part to figure out actual reason for your partner’s extra sensitive or rude attitude without hurting him or her in the process.

You Are No Different Than You Parents

This is something really infuriating for your relationship. Don’t compare your husband to his ill-mannered father just because he left the dirty dish on his working desk. He may be tired of over work. Likewise, a man should not say to his wife that his mother warned him ‘she’d do mischievous things like her mother’.
Stop defining each other according to your respective parents and never spout a criticism like this. If they were not good at parenting, it really doesn’t mean to develop the same foolhardy traits in your personalities. It’s not a constructive habit to nourish because no person can welcome this abusive behavior.

 I Am Not Sorry, It Was Not My Fault

Stop blaming other and accept your wrong doings like noble people. Don’t be scared of accepting if you have done something wrong. Admit your mistake and ask your partner for forgiveness. Express your repentance and believe me your apology will bring more ease in your life. Your partner will respect and love you more for being honest with him and not blaming others for your transgression. On the other hand if you revolt and don’t admit your wrongdoing then ultimately your partner will give up respecting you.
Be true to yourself and your family. Learn to say ‘you are guilty’ for your bad deeds or behavior. Create the life you both always want. Build a healthy and decent atmosphere for your children’s well-mannered upbringing.

See Also

I Should Have Never Married, You’re Pathetic!

Oops! It’s another nasty and belittling statement couples often say to one another. Whatever the situation is, it isn’t cool to express your anger this way. You are not a kid so stop behaving like that. Deal with it as adult and sensible people do.
Showing the lack of respect for your partner will also offend the children around. You will be transferring your hatred and contempt behavior in your kids.

Final Thoughts

Ladies! Never utter these rebellious and insolent statements time and again. I am putting it in the relationship advice for men too. This is the responsibility of you both to avoid everything that can undermine your marriage. If you want to live contentedly ever, then value each other as exclusive personalities with
Show patience and respect for your partner. Keep a check on your words and try to tame your tongue.

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