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7 Ways to make your boss stop hating you!

7 Ways to make your boss stop hating you!

7 Ways to make your boss stop hating you!

Is your office life miserable? Is working with your manager a nightmare? Manipulative bosses are kind of bullies; working for him is just equivalent to abuse. At such times the chances of finding the peace of mind in the office are almost none. So what should you do? Bail on him and quit the job? Is it worth it?

7 Ways to make your boss stop hating you!


Figure Out If Your Boss Really Dislikes You

First things first you really need to find out if your boss really has taken a disliking on you. If it is so, Why?

This is important because only if you know the basic problem then you can take measure to fix the problem. If your boss really hates then you can see it in all his actions and interactions when it comes to you. Say him/her giving you a low-profile assignment, not giving you as much appreciation you deserve, not giving you the same amount of opportunities and coaching for development are all the signs that possibly your boss hates you or dislikes you. It is important to take a notice of this because this might effect on your growth, your compensation and on your career on the whole.

If you and your boss are just not clicking, use these strategies to solve the issue:


It Might Not Be You

7 Ways to make your boss stop hating you!

Maybe you are just misinterpreting everything. Maybe your boss is like that by nature. He just doesn’t favor anyone and is standoffish and maintains a clear distance with everyone. Some people are like that, they are just too moody and they do not care about what others feel, like literally. You just have to take a few deep breaths and give your mind some peace. Getting anxious over these things might affect your work, which is even bad in your case. You need to think this through and analyze his behavior with your peers and colleagues in your presence and absence both.


Or…Is It Just You?

So now you found out that it’s not your boss, now what you should be asking yourself is – Is it me? Are others doing well with your boss? If yes, then why not try to take some pointers from them.

Ask yourself as to why you are finding it so difficult to be on the good side of your boss? Are your expectations too high? Are you over thinking the things? If there is something in which you are lacking then it is for you to try and mend your behavior, expectations or skill, whichever is necessary.


Mimic Your Boss’s Vibe

You are not clicking with your boss, have you ever thought that the possible reason for this might be that you and your boss have different personalities. Your boss likes to micromanage everyone while you might not like people dictating over your actions. But that doesn’t change the fact that he still is your boss. You have to look through this and determine what you can do to increase your compatibility. Can you flex to his style? If your boss is too chatty, make sure you drop by your boss’s office time to time and not go without communication for too long. If your boss likes to micromanage then try to complete your work before deadlines and give regular briefings about the project. This way you might change your boss’s perspective about you.


Stay Strong And Focus On Your Work

7 Ways to make your boss stop hating you!

So what if your boss doesn’t favor you? You still have a job to do. You have to focus on making a good impression in the office. You have an absolute control over how you handle your job. Maybe if you improve your effectiveness your boss might change his behavior towards you.

If facing your boss early in the morning and going through it the whole day has already created havoc in your mind then try doing something that might change your day plans like setting up a lunch date with people who inspire you or with your mentor in that case.


Sit And Have A Heart To Heart Talk

7 Ways to make your boss stop hating you!

See Also
7 POWERFUL WAYS TO FIGHT FACEBOOK JEALOUSY Each of our lives, are beautiful in their own solely wondrous ways. Let us then learn to accept the beautiful life we have been gifted with. Recognize, accept and demolish one of the most common disorders of our times – Facebook jealousy, by simply following these means: MAKE THE ACCESS DIFFICULT Most of the times we mindlessly enter into the social media the moment we find some free time. We’re not even thinking, we’re just functioning out of habit. Hence it is important that the access to the social media (such as Facebook) is made difficult, so that the action isn’t passive but proactive, on which our mind will then have some control. An instance of how to make it work: What we could do is, delete the apps from our phones and instead log into the desired social platforms through the internet – a more long drawn process. RECOGNIZE THE SPECIFIC SOURCE OF JEALOUSY Have you tried to identify the exact stuff that bothers you? If not then do it right away! Is it the ‘oh-so-happy’ couple that posts loveable photos constantly or is it your exceptionally rich friend who keeps travelling around the world, has a beautiful house, cool parents and an amazing boyfriend? Whatever be the source of your feelings of envy, block them out. Hide the notifications from these particular lists of people and live in peace. You could even un-friend them, provided they aren’t close friends. PERFORM A GRATITUDE MEDITATION What is a gratitude meditation? A gratitude meditation according to study is like an acknowledgement to life for whatever it has provided you with. Be happy because of what you have instead of being upset for what you don’t. Ponder upon everything nice that you have been blessed with; a home, understanding parents, good looks, a best friend, a regular job, which you may have taken for granted by now. Ever wondered about those people who don’t even have one fourth of what you possess? Some don’t have a job, or a home and worse still, some don’t even have parents. Just know that you are blessed! SET YOUR OWN GOALS AND ACHIEVE THEM Don’t be jealous of other people’s success. Achieve your own success by setting up a goal for yourself. Try to look ahead of time at the goal you’d like to achieve and work towards it And nothing will be able to beat the happiness you achieve out of attaining that goal, not even other people’s success. It could be something as simple as publishing your own novel; however it could mean much more to you than the second promotion your friend on Facebook got at work. COMPARISONS ARE MEANINGLESS You can’t compare your life to somebody else’s life. Just like I mentioned above, what is important to you may not be as important to somebody else and vice-versa. What is rather more important is how happy you are and what is/are those things that make you happy. Yes, someone might be really happy back in Miami strutting around in a sexy swimsuit but “hey!” do you really want to be in Miami right now doing the same? Or do you want to feel happy? If your happiness does not reside in going to Miami and wearing a bikini, then why bother wasting your time and emotions over something you DO NOT EVEN WANT, my love? LIVE IN THE REAL LIFE Life on Facebook is so much different to real life, just like the edited version of your friend’s profile picture, where she looks so much skinnier, or let’s say, so much happier than she truly is in real life. Virtual media can be very deceptive. This seemingly rich friend of yours might look perfectly satisfied and happy with their life on the social media, with a big house, two gorgeous cars, etc. However on meeting them you might just come to know about how their loved one is suffering from a debilitating disease and is under therapy. Their life doesn’t seem all that attractive any longer, does it? Or it could be something as superficial as the alignment of her teeth, you never even noticed on Facebook, while you thought she stole the show with perfect facial features and pretty blue eyes. LEND A HELPING HAND TO OTHERS According to research, helping others causes a mood lift in us. It makes us feel happy about ourselves, aiding in getting rid of the negative emotions of jealousy. It also makes us realise about the absence in other’s life, of those things that we have. It grants a feeling of satisfaction and gratefulness. Are you suffering from Facebook jealousy? How do you counter this issue? Let us know in the comments section, below.

Still getting those glares from your boss?

It might be the time for you to finally have the talk with your boss. Pucker up and set a meeting with your boss. But don’t go all ballistic once the meeting commences. Calm your nerves and start it smoothly and in a non-accusatory way by asking questions like: ‘I felt that you are not okay with my project findings or maybe just you were frustrated. I want to know if it was directed towards me.’ Have an open mind and listen to whatever your boss says. Let him be the talker. Be open to feedback both positive and negative. Ask him what you can do to make it better and do it.


Bear With Him And Consider Your Exit Strategy

7 Ways to make your boss stop hating you!

Even after all of this if you’re boss is still a boss from hell then you should still give it a chance and try working in the same company. Even after working for two or more months and trying to improve the situation, if all your attempts are going futile then its high time you start packing your stuff and cleaning your table. DO not just be up and give a resignation letter. Plan it up, search for a different manager who can agree to be your reference for your resume.


Go Over His Head

If nothing seems to be working out for you and you’ve finally decided that you no longer want to work under the same boss. Then next thing you should be thinking is whether you are okay with working in the same company or you want to call quits on the company as well?

If you don’t have any problem with the company then you can meet up with your boss’s boss and request for transfer or call it a quits and plan your next career move. Because a boss who doesn’t give you much scope in work environment or any growth opportunities that it isn’t great for your career.

It has been found in a study that clashing with the supervisor is one of the main reasons why people quit jobs. It does not come as surprise at all because our supervisor/boss is the one we work for atleast6 to 8 hours a day, the one who has the control on our leaves, pays and promotion. You need to be on a constant and consistent watch about your impression in his eyes. Once your boss has formed an opinion – good or bad about you, it is very difficult to change it. But you can still do it if you put the efforts. After all, you’ve worked hard for this job and leaving it without trying is no justice for your hard work.

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