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How to be a good mother?

How to be a good mother?

How to be a good mother?

How to be a good mother?

As a kid we used to think that being a mother was an easy task like playing with dolls. But as you become one that perspective drastically changes. Nowadays, due to workload and lack of time, parents do not get the required amount of time to look after their kids. But have you ever asked your child what does he/she wants most? Is it your time or salary? In this article we will talk about some important tips that will help you to become a better mother.

Give your kids appropriate time

One of the primary tips is to give each of your children individual attention. Make them feel that they are your priority. Show an interest in things they like, for example if they like drawings, you also take part and draw some pictures. Take them to places they like, for example to gardens, museum, or to the beach. Make them feel that you truly care about them. Because when they grow up, they will not remember how much salary you were getting but rather the good times you spent together.

Be a guide

How to be a good mother?

Another prime aspect is to guide them. Daily talk to them, give them tips on life. Teach them what is right and what is wrong. Encourage them to work harder at school. Show them dreams.


Communication will help both the child and the parents. It helps to build a stable relationship. It’s only by communicating and listening to your child that you will be able to understand him. Talk to him/her, see what he needs, what he wants to share with you, what he wants in his life. Ask your child if he is happy. Be friendly with him, but you stay his parent, so you have to find the good position.

Show love

How to be a good mother?

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Children do crave for love. Hug your kids daily. Give them a kiss before going to school and after coming home. All these small actions will contribute to a better parenthood. Give them a gift. Try to save money and buy what they have been asking you. Read their favourite stories before going to bed. These small gestures will make them happier.

Convey good habits and values

Being a good parent does not always mean giving gifts. It also includes giving your child the right values and habits. As children grow up, it becomes more difficult to control them, therefore at a very young age start inculcating all good habits and values. The more you wait the less your child will listen to you.



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