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5 Apps every woman must install!

5 Apps every woman must install!

5 Apps every woman must install!

The whole world seems to be gripped by the unrelenting force of smartphones and the massive impact it has on our lives. Interestingly, even Indian women are trying their best to incorporate the latest technology in their lives and using it to their advantage. Becoming tech-savvy is the best way to remain updated with the latest happenings around the world.

5 Apps every woman must install!

Instagram Account: atimidaffaire

There are a plethora of apps that can be downloaded to help women in organizing their lives in a better way. These apps are small empowering tools which can go a long way in helping them take charge of their lives. Read on to about five such apps which every Indian woman must install.


  • HealthifyMe

5 Apps every woman must install!

Has losing your weight become your soul purpose in life? Are you tired of shelling out money for getting tips on weight management? In this case, HealthifyMe is the app for you. It will help you keep a tab on your calorie intake so that you don’t gorge on unhealthy food. The app will work wonders in helping you shed those extra kilos, become svelte and flaunt your perfect figure. You will find yourself leading a healthier lifestyle with bolstered immunity.


  • CookWizMe

5 Apps every woman must install!

A pertinent question that all working moms grapple with at some point of their lives is “What to Cook”? You might have commendable culinary skills but it is very important to keep your kids happy by cooking a variety of delicacies. Installing CookWizMe will simplify your life to a great extent. The app offers a fresh recipe every day. Experiment with different recipes and find your kids licking their fingers and loving you for taking care of their appetite so well.


  • Beautylish

5 Apps every woman must install!

This app is perfect for women who are so engrossed in striking a chord between their personal and professional life that they forget to look good. Stuck in the cobweb of responsibilities, they do not have time to reinvent themselves by working on their looks. The app helps you learn tips to apply make-up and has step-by-step videos teaching you to create the latest braids and hairstyles. It has a forum for inquisitive women where they can ask questions and delve further into the world of vanity.


  • Police nearby

5 Apps every woman must install!

Let’s just admit the fact that women are not safe in India. Predators don’t shy away from troubling them in broad light as well. But should that stop you from roaming around freely and enjoying your life to the hilt? The stalkers on the road can be easily handled by installing an app called Police Nearby that takes your GPS location and lists the nearest Police Stations around you.


  • Uber app

5 Apps every woman must install!

See Also

With the advent of 21st centuries, more and more women are stepping out of their homes to eke out a living. Travelling late at night due to work can be a bit worrisome for the parents. One cannot rely on brothers and fathers for picking and dropping every time. Uber App helps you book a cab from any part of the city. Their services are quick and cheap. Make use of the app to make your commuting easier. It will also help you get rid of your parents’ annoying habit of calling you up to know your whereabouts.



Befriend these apps to stop relying on people for help. Embrace technology to lead a fulfilling life.



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