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5 home remedies for getting rid of dandruff

5 home remedies for getting rid of dandruff

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5 home remedies for getting rid of dandruff:

Do not underestimate the power of dandruff flakes or consistent urge to scratch your scalp to embarrass you at any event or occasion. If in a business meeting, your juniors constantly stare at dandruff flakes on your shoulders instead of listening to what you are saying or you constantly forget what you are saying due to major distraction of itching that leads to shameless scratching then you need dandruff remedies.

Dandruff can be caused due to a number of medical conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, or seborrheic dermatitis. Most of the times, poor hygiene is the foremost reason for dandruff. Tar shampoos can be quite helpful in such a scenario but if you are looking for a free dandruff treatment at home then home remedies are the best.

Here are 5 dandruff home remedies that will help you say good bye to dandruff as simply as you want:

Indian lilac:

Indian lilac has been in use for treating dandruff since the beginning of times for the reason that it has proven antibacterial and antiseptic qualities that are highly effective in reducing itching and slowing down hair fall.


Take a pan and pour some water in it. Bring it to a boil and add handful of clean lilac leaves. In a minute or two remove it from heat and strain. Rinse your hair from the water when cold and for better results do it two times every week.

Aloe vera gel:

Aloe vera gel is amongst prevalent dandruff remedies for warding off dandruff. Apart from its anti-fungal attributes, it also helps in calming down persistent itching and soothes the scalp.


Take 4-5 tablespoons of aloe vera gel that you can obtain from a drugstore or home grown aloe vera plants. Use the gel to massage on your scalp and then wash away with a baby shampoo.


Aspirin is a common headache tablet found in every home and has salicylates that are also found in anti-dandruff shampoos helps in soothing the scalp and providing comfort.


Take two aspirin tablets and crush them. Now mix them in a baby shampoo and wash off your hair from that shampoo.

Apple cider Vinegar:

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Vinegar is remarkably good in terms of getting rid of dandruff flakes due to its acid content. Acetic acid present in apple cider vinegar helps in killing bacteria and fungus from the scalp.


Simply take two cups of apple cider vinegar and pour them in two cups of cold water. Use this fluid to simply rinse shampoo off your hair. You can also apply white vinegar on your scalp at night and wash hair in the morning.

Neem leaves:

Neem leaves have anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial properties that decrease scalp itching and soothe the scalp. Neem leaves have been used for treating skin conditions since ages.


Boil neem leaves in a pan with water for 30 minutes and make paste. Now apply the paste on your scalp and leave for half an hour. After that wash it with cold water.

Following these simple and easy dandruff home remedies will make you lose dandruff without losing hair on your scalp. Remember there is nothing more joyful and exuberant than a carefree feeling of not having to scratch your itchy scalp again and again.


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