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A pet – How it is the best companion

A pet – How it is the best companion

A pet – How it is the best companionThey are one of the most precious possessions human kind could ever have. They can easily surge up the endorphin levels of your body with a mere tail wagging and endless licking. Be it at any hour in the day or whatever the mood fluctuation you are going through, your pet won’t leave your side even when you shove them away.

Here are some relationship qualities that your pets teach you every other day only if you could understand them.

1. Unconditional love:

Unlike human beings they thrive to be loved and give endless in return. Be it for any reason their love won’t just end for you one fine day. All they know is to love their master and being loved, rest nothing else matters.

2 Trust:

It is the main ingredient of any relationship and who knows it better than the small earthly creatures in your abode. They trust you more than anything and never leave you. If for once the human could cling to their trust.

3. Spare time for one another:

It is a common complain among people who are in a relationship that their partner or their better half don’t have time for them. Strange, that the person who loves you or whom you love doesn’t have time for each other. And on the other hand these pets they always have time for you, once you are inside the house they will follow you around and will just be there for you without even caring about your mood.


4. They don’t hold grudges:

This is what we humans are good at and not the animals. Ever noticed how they easily forget whatever behavior you give them in just a call? It is because all they know is how to love and nothing is important to them other than you.

5. You are always special to them:

You might be having a pet for a long time now for years may be, but every time you are back home the spark in their eyes seems to be fresh just like the first time you left them alone. Ever felt the same about your loved ones every time you see them?

6. Always by your side:

If you can’t be there for your loved ones in the bad times then you shouldn’t be there in their happiness. Your pets understand this statement very well, be it during your sorrow or happiness they will be there for you always!

7. They not fake around:

This is a great relationship trait you can learn from your pets, they always show the real being in them and not a fake one. A relationship gets stronger with the natural you and not the fake one you show off.

8. They always listen:

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This might be a bit cliché that the pets listen because they can’t speak, but ever imagined how they can understand your feelings when you speak and reciprocate it back. But a human being doesn’t revert back the same feeling even when they have been bestowed with the power to converse.

9. Enjoy each other’s company:

How many of you love the time you spent with your loved one every day? Well this is not the same with your pets, they love being with you every day, every night. You are all they have and they treasure you more than anything.

10. They don’t judge:

Male or female, married or unmarried, old or young, straight, or queer, your pet doesn’t judge you for what you are. You might be anybody or might be engaged with any profession they will just love you for what you are and because you love them back.

11. They don’t believe in extravaganza:

Human’s often believe that doing something in a large scale for your partner might be the best thing you are doing, but sometimes small things can work magic and this what the pets teach us

They might just be the part of your life but for them you are their entire life. The bonding quality that they possess can easily put a human being to shame.


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